Getting ready for Sims3
Yep, you read that right. I am preparing for Sims3. When Sims2 first came out, I still had so much I wanted to do with Sims1 that I decided not to go with Sims2. I did play it a few times at a friend's house, but it just didn't hold my interest. I was still too attached to Sims1. However, the more I read about Sims3, the more interested I become. So while I will be getting Sims3 and creating for it too, I will not immediately stop submitting Sims1 stuff. I still have quite a few things on my To Do list that I haven't gotten to yet -- more Barbie skins and a ton of Tyler Wentworth skins and so on. I am estimating that my Sims1 To Do List will last at least through the end of this year, possibly longer depending on the custom content situation with Sims3. Sims1 will still be installed on my computer. I cannot bear to part with my Sims1 Simmies yet. I have the game customized just the way I like it, so until I can do that with Sims3, I will not give up on Sims1.
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